Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Commitment

Published on 17th May 2022

Last reviewed on 1st July 2024

It is the policy of Kubus to conduct all of its business in an honest, ethical manner and in line with UK law.

Kubus values its reputation and image. It is the policy of the Kubus to conduct all of its business in an honest, ethical manner and in line with UK law. Kubus is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships wherever we operate. We will be transparent on how we assess our risk of exposure to slavery, forced labour or human trafficking and how we will eliminate and mitigate those risks identified. Kubus commit to provide information and guidance to our employees and associated persons on the definition of Modern Slavery, how to recognise situations associated with slavery, forced labour or human trafficking, and the appropriate course of action to take to report it. We will do this at regular intervals to ensure the message is reinforced. We will encourage employees and other associated persons to be vigilant and confident to report any suspicion of slavery, forced labour or human trafficking through proper channels and provide appropriate support to them in that process.